Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A lesson learned

I have been thinking a lot about what I want from life. Before I thought it was a career that I could throw myself into until Prince Charming came along start a family then go on from there. Hehe well funny how life goes and changes your plans on ya! I have decided that the traditional way of doing things is what works best for me and I don't need to be apologetic for it. I will go do Grace School of the Bible be a missionary and perhaps go on to learn how to translate English to Spanish and use that for what ever it is needed for. I also realized that I was using school as a distraction and hiding from some nagging questions that I didn't want to face. Well I am still working through some of them but I feel so much better! I am equipped to handle them and I can decide what to do sanely instead of having a million things push and pull at me vying for my attention. I feel clear headed and able for once. It is nice. :)  Now I am thinking about my plans for this year and the goals I want to accomplish, I am truly grateful for this time in my life it's exciting and terrifying all at the same time. Last year I was asking myself what I wanted to do in life and losing sleep over the fact  that I didn't know. In some ways I am still asking the same questions but now I know where to find the Answer. I am still finding out how to "do" this and am on this crazy journey called Life but I wouldn't have it any other way. :D


  1. I'm so proud of you sweetie. <3 I'm glad you're following your dreams and God's and not the worlds.

  2. Aw that's cool you've started figuring out your dreams! It took me way longer :p but your plans sound super amazing :)

  3. Thanks :) It is hard somedays but it's interesting and that's for sure!
