As I wrote previously I was mostly complaining... One of the things I hate most about myself is that I can be negative sometimes without even realizing it. Anyways I have been working on that and I am happy to say that it is going well! These past few weeks have really changed and challenged me I finally realized that I can't expect to change on the outside if I am not also changing on the inside. PTL! I know that the only way I will change my heart and it's character is by renewing my mind ( Romans 12:2) I am just SO thankful for the life I am living right now! Sure the future is not all planned out but I am CONTENT. I am going to use this time to grow and learn how to trust the Lord in everything I do. I had to let go of a friend when I realized that I was being hurt instead of helped. I am still sad that I couldn't "fix" the situation but I know it was for the best, hopefully one day I will be able to talk to him and not still feel irritated and wronged. I am praying that the next time I meet him I will be able to be cordial and kind because he really needs that. I gave it my best and that's all I could do. I hope that one day he will realize what he did was wrong and that he needs to be kind instead of critical. Just to let you know I am not and was NEVER "interested" in starting anything with him, I just worry for that girl that will one day say she loves him. (that is my secretly caring heart talking right there) ;)
Love to all!
I still don't think he even deserves your thoughts but you are very caring and I love you for that. So if you think he needs to be treated nicely I guess I'll be kind towards him but I swear! If he pulls anyone I'll drop kick him. I don't care what Jesus says. He'd totally understand!!! lol jk... but honestly, I get it. I really do.