Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Hello Everyone!

So I know that I have been a bit lax in writing... Hmm what has been going on. Well spring is coming along :) I hope to see birds and spot buds soon. Spring is one of the joys in life that you better take time to appreciate because it is pretty special. The vibrancy and life in everything is intoxicating! I so LOVE being able to walk around and just soak it all up.

Miscommunication... goodness. This has to be the root of most (if not all) problems! It is so funny how we are  quick to put our own connotations to e-mails, phone calls, and conversations. Not that we go about seeking to muddle up everything it's just how it seems to happen.

Going to St. Paul tomorrow to work on Purity Retreat stuff. Looking forward to visiting with the Toombs! :D